Every Gospel-Based Church provides an open door for God to reach His people. We believe in working together to help spread God's Love and Grace. Accordingly, we would like to share the information about your church so that others can come and worship with you. Please take a moment to fill out the following form. Please note that key contact information is required so that people can connect with you. Any field that is not required can be left blank. This information can be edited in the future.
URL submission tips: There are a number of fields on this form that ask you to provide the website (URL). These include your website, logo URL, and social media profiles. The best thing to do is open your pages in another tab and copy and paste the URL into the corresponding field. Once you have selected the entire URL, you can press Ctrl+C to copy the URL and the Ctrl+V to paste it in the form. If you are using a Mac, you do not use Ctrl and instead use the Function button.
To find the URL of your logo, simply right click on your logo and select "Copy image address".
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