At, we are working to show that God's Love Matters! We use the hashtag #GodsLoveMatters on a number of our posts. We want to promote God's Word, Love, and Grace to all who visit this site. Please note that we launched this site on October 31, 2017 and are still working to add more content.
Our goal is to provide Gospel-Based churches with a place where they can share their Audio and Video sermon seriews with people like you. We are NOT going to charge pastors or churches to have their sermons included in this portal and we are NOT going to charge you to view them. Our team will do all the work to take the sermons and put them in the portal so you can have access to them as quickly as possible.
In order to grow our mission, we need you to complete the FREE registration below and join the movement to share God's Love with others!
Part of the mission is to help current believers strengthen their faith. Currently we are working with Two Cities Church in Winston-Salem, NC to post sermons online through the Sermon Series Portal. We are also in communication with leaders at other Gospel-Based Churches that record their sermons. In the event a church does not provide a video of their sermons, we will convert the audio files to a video format for use within the portal.
Individual sermons can be access through their "series". If a church does not have units then all sermons for that church will be in 1 series. Once you have selected a series, you can easily view all the sermons within that series. Once you have selected a sermon, you can access any of its reference links through the "External URLs". In addition, you can take notes while you listen to the sermon and those notes will be time-stamped so you can easily find that location again in the sermon if you want to revisit at some point in the future.
The comments and discussion board are designed so that we can worship as a community. Sharing comments is a great way to engage other believers and learn from each other. The comments will be monitored and inappropriate comments will be removed.
If you are part of a Gospel-Based Church and services are recorded, please have a member of your administrative team contact us at [email protected] so that we can get confirmation that your church is fine with us posting the sermon series online through the portal.
Two Cities Church
Winston-Salem, NC
Two Cities Church is our featured church for the entire month of June! Strategically located in downtown Winston-Salem, NC. It is a Gospel-Based Church with a simple mission to "Love God. Love Each Other. Love the World".
The church is just over 1 year old and already has an active membership of nearly 350 people with close to 600 attendees on a weekly basis. Church services are currently held at 4:00 PM and 5:30 PM at Goler AME Zion Church in downtown Winston-Salem.
Lead pastor, Kyle Mercer, was the first pastor who agreed that we could share the sermons and message of Two Cities Church with others through our portal. He is a passionate and energetic preacher who shares openly with his congregation and consistently motivates them to share the Word of God with all those around him.
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